Societal infrastructure progresses on its own rails, somewhat in parallel with technology. From the first mechanically reproduced books and until today, economic systems too progress on their own rails, at a pace relatively parallel with their distribution.
Each at times adds energy into the flywheels maintaining the stability of quality of life, and at other times energy’s drawn. Should a flywheel ever falter, the system’s fragility likely increases, jeopardizing humanity’s progress in further cultivating its societal infrastructure.
Observant humans have learned to recognize the indicators, the noises if you will, faltering flywheels emit when either energy is running low or friction’s working against everyone’s best efforts. Thankfully, society’s cultivating more and more creative and observant humans who step up and right faults in the system, generally making it more robust for the future.
These observant and creative folks are today’s leaders. They hypothesize scientifically, experiment and achieve the consensus needed to organize further humans for their quests to build anew. For example, implementing creative solutions utilizing software and or hardware for performing functions previously too complex, rife with friction, or both.
Sometimes these new leaders spontaneously emerge from unexpected places. For example an individual from one industry fixing one where they have expertise in another where others withint the broken industry fail to see, are incabable of solving or have incentive to not fix the problem.
What humanity’s experiencing today across many aspects of our being are the experiments of the new leaders. They’re working to add energy to the quality of life flywheel.